Henan Chenchi trading Co., LTD
Product Name: Winstrol-10mg
AKA: Stanozolol
Molecular Formula: C21H32N2O
Specification: 100 tablets / bottle
Stanozolol (also known as winstrol) is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, chemically altered so that the hormone’s anabolic (tissue-building) properties are greatly amplified and its androgenic activity minimized. Stanozolol is classified as an “anabolic” steroid, and exhibits one of the strongest dissociations of anabolic to androgenic effect among commercially available agents. It also cannot be aromatized into estrogens. Stanozolol is the second most widely used oral steroid, succeeded in popularity only by Dianabol (methandrostenolone).lt is favored for its ability to promote muscle growth without water-retention, making it highly valued by dieting bodybuilders and competitive athletes. Stanozolol is a modified form of dihydrotestosterone. It differs by the addition of a methyl group at carbon 17alpha to protect the hormone during oral administration and the attachment of a pyrazol group to the A-ring, replacing the normal 3-keto group (this gives stanozolol the chemical classification of a heterocyclic steroid).When viewed in the light of 17-alpha methyldihydrotestosterone, the A-ring modification on stanozolol seems to considerably increase its anabolic strength while reducing its relative androgenicity.
Don’t you wish you could get the perfect beach body of a Hollywood celebrity? But getting that muscular, ripped and shredded look is not so easy. It’s not enough just to train hard at the gym or to have the right protein-based diet. You need some extra help in the form of anabolic steroids such as Winstrol.
#1: It’s easy to use, can be taken orally as a tablet or pills and there is no need for injections.
#2: It can give you impressive muscle gains in quick time.
#3: It enhances physical strength and improves stamina.
#4: It burns body fat even when you’re resting, especially during the anabolic cycle.
#5: It optimizes the protein synthesis, thereby ensuring that all of the proteins that you take through your diet are properly utilized for building muscles.
#6: It builds lean muscle mass and preserves your lean muscles during the cutting phase of bodybuilding.
#7: It makes the tendons and ligaments stronger.
#8: It does not aromatize into estrogen as easily as some of the other steroids.
#9: It does not lead to side effects such as water retention or bloating.
#10: It increases the amount of iron in the blood.
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